Method Hiding

Method Hiding:
In some situation we may want to have a method in the base class which can be implemented in the derived class independent of the method in the base class i.e we may want to have its new version altogether
In the following code i add a method Hello() in the base class and in the derived class give a completely new definition to the same method by preceding it with 'new' keyword

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
           public class VirtualDemo
                  public virtual double Area(double r)
                        return r * r;
                  public void Hello()
                        Console.WriteLine("Hello in Base Class");
         public class A : VirtualDemo
               public override double Area(double r)
                  double p = 3.142;
                  return base.Area(r) * p;
               public new void Hello()
                  Console.WriteLine("Hello in Derived Class");
         public class Test
            public static void Main(string[] args)
                  A obj1 = new A();
Hello in Derived Class 

~if any class method doesnot have 'virtual','abstract' or 'override' keyword and we attempt to have its new implementation in any derived class a warning is generated to supply 'new' keyword to the method in the derived class.We can also not override that class method unless that method has 'virtual' keyword
That was in brief about Method Overriding. In case of any query ask me on the same blog. In my next article i will explain Abstract Classes and Interfaces with examples and how these all concepts relate to each other and differ from each other with similar and even better approach.

Ask me if you have any query so far after reading the article.


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