
Showing posts from April, 2014

Packages in PL/SQL

Brief :        "Packages" word only come up with Oracle PL/SQL. As Microsoft fan , googling about " Packages in SQL Server ".. Actually their will be no dependency on that ..(LOLzz) Example: We are working on huge database , or rapid increases of Stored procedures , functions etc ( proliferation) . It will be difficult to manage it. Packages can save time to describe procedure / function schema. What is Packages in Oracle ? If you observed any document related to Packages , let you know about "Interface in OOP" and if you search packages in SQL Server,you will get references related to SSIS , Data flow , control flow  etc. (I am also beginner to all this..) Some advantages tells that , why you need it ? I found packages to be really useful for a number of reasons: All the procedures and functions relating to a specfic sub-system are in one program unit. This is just good design practice but it's also easier to manage, e.g. in sourc...