
Showing posts from January, 2014

Software Process Models Part - I

The software process model maybe defined as a simplified description of a software process, presented from a particular perspective. In essence, each stage of the software process is identified and a model is then employed to represent the inherent activities associated within that stage. Consequently, a collection of  ‘local’ models may be utilized in generating the global picture representative of the software process. Examples of models include the - workflow model  - data-flow model  - role model.  Short story of above models : :) W orkflow model   shows the sequence of activities in the process along with their inputs, outputs and dependencies. The activities in the model represent human actions. D ataflow model  represents the process as a set of activities each of which carries out some data transformation. It shows how the input to the process such as specification is transformed to an output such as design. The activities h...

Dictionary Class : Generic collection

Ordered Dictionaries An ordered dictionary is a collection class in which items can be manipulated by either their index or their key  System.Data.InternalDataCollectionBase : From w hich data collections such as  - DataTableCollection    - DataColumnCollection   are derived, is an example of an ordered dictionary. Items can be accessed either by their name or their  index in the collection. If we get interface , so it will be more advantage for developers so IOrderedDictionary < TKey,TValue > System.Collections.IOrderedDictionary :   Similar to the  IList  and  IDictionary  interfaces, the  IOrderedDictionary  interface defines a consistent contract for ordered dictionary implementations which ensures that items can be accessed, inserted, and removed by index or key. Note : in the following discussion, accessing the dictionary by key is assumed to be a O(1) operation, although in real...