
Showing posts from September, 2013

Insert Data using Jquery in ASP.NET Mvc2

Its simple single form page which includes -  Fullname -  Age -  Save Button On Save button click , you will get message using JQUERY in ASP.NET MVC2 Models :   [Serializable ] public class UserModels {   public string Name { get ; set ; }          public int Age { get ; set ; }   public string message { get ; set ; } } Controller : public ActionResult Index() {     return View(); } [HttpPost ] public ActionResult Save( UserModels inputModel) {     string message = string .Format( "Created user '{0}' in the system." , inputModel.Name);     return Json( new UserModels { message = message }); } Views :   <asp : Content ID ="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID ="MainContent" runat ="server"> < script type ="text/javascript">           ...

Split string in group of n number (Ex : Group of 3)

Today , I needed one solution for spliting string in group of 3 String as "A c1Imghsd345dsda " My program is static void Main( string [] args) { IEnumerable < string > result = Split( "Ac1Imghsd345dsda" , 3); } static IEnumerable < string > Split( string str, int groupSize) { return Enumerable .Range(0, str.Length / groupSize) .Select(i => str.Substring(i * groupSize, groupSize)); } I get an output strings in group of 3 as Enumerable form Here no to need to convert in toCharArray then FOR Loop.. Simply do as shows....  
Dear friends , Over the 1 year or so I have gone from primarily developing applications using .NET/C# and ASP.NET MVC for web development. It’s been an amazing experience, but it can take some time to get used to a new language and platform. I have found the more languages I learn, the easier it gets to pick up new ones. Many of the core concepts are the same, it’s just a matter of learning the peculiarities of each language/platform (unless you’re learning learning a whole new paradigm, like a functional language). One thing I find useful when learning a new language is to try and relate certain features back to a language I know and understand. Of course, it’s important to learn the correct conventions for a new language, but that usually happens over time. For the purpose of this post, I’m going to create a create category on Blog for C#/ beginners and other post ( Erros solutions category ) on same blog. Adjust it :) :) Thanks & regards, Nihar Kul...

Exception Handling in Java

An exception is a problem that arises during the execution of a program. An exception can occur for many different reasons, including the following: A user has entered invalid data. A file that needs to be opened cannot be found. A network connection has been lost in the middle of communications or the JVM has run out of memory. To understand how exception handling works in Java, you need to understand the three categories of exceptions: Checked exceptions: A checked exception is an exception that is typically a user error or a problem that cannot be foreseen by the programmer. For example, if a file is to be opened, but the file cannot be found, an exception occurs. These exceptions cannot simply be ignored at the time of compilation. Runtime exceptions: A runtime exception is an exception that occurs that probably could have been avoided by the programmer. As opposed to checked exceptions, runtime exceptions are ignored at the time of compilation. Errors: These are not ...

Hashtable in C#

  Hi frnds, you couldn't believe about hashtable concept in c#.   I don't know ,how would I missed it. But its very helpful while searching for generic collections related techniques. I just viewed it , but never used it before.   So I am sharing some ways to use it at your place.     Members of hastable :     Key :-  Unique value which can be number or character   Value :- Value you want to store on particular key     The example adds 15 distinct integer keys, with one string value each, to the Hashtable object.   using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Collections; namespace HashTableDemos {     class Program     {         static void Main(string[] args)         {       ...

out and ref keywords in C#

As we already studied about  CALL BY REFERENCE  in C of our academic period. In call by reference , we passed the address of that variable's value to method. But due to point died in C# , we used REF  keywords in C#. REF :    Ref parameters are changed at the calling site. They are passed as references, not values. This means you can assign the parameter in the called method and have it also be assigned at the calling site. There is a big difference between ref and out parameters at the language level. Before you can pass a ref parameter, you must assign it to a value. This is for the purpose of definite assignment analysis. You don't need to assign an out parameter before passing it to a method. The compiler allows this. Sample program for understanding :     public static void Main( string [] args) {         int val = 1; Method (r ef   val); Connsole .WriteLine...

Defining values while creating sql table

Hi friends  , This post and technique very new to me !! It reduce lot of repeated work while using SQL queries with other technologies like (C#,Java,Perl etc) Basically post refers to CREATE TABLE command of SQL Example : Guess that , you want to calculate percentage of total marks ,get to particular students and store it table. For that process , we need to create columns as id,fname,lname,totalMarks,Percentage etc. Then we go for code ,we calculate from insert or select query or others. I am trying through SQL Server 2008 R2... Create table of  sample student table :   create table SampleTable (       id int identity ( 1 , 1 ),       fname nvarchar ( 50 ),       lname nvarchar ( 50 ),       totalMarks float ,     passFlag as case when   totalMarks > = 50 then 'Pass' else 'Fail' end persisted ) Inse...

return View() vs return RedirectToAction() vs return Redirect() vs return RedirectToRoute() ??

Here some points which elaborate difference between abouve signatures.... There are different ways for returning/rendering a view in MVC Razor. Many developers got confused when to use return View(), return RedirectToAction(), return Redirect() and return RedirectToRoute(). In this article, I would like to explain the difference among "return View()" and "return RedirectToAction()", "return Redirect()" and "return RedirectToRoute()". return View() This tells MVC to generate HTML to be displayed for the specified view and sends it to the browser. This acts like as Server.Transfer() in Asp.Net WebForm.   public ActionResult Index () {     return View (); } [ HttpPost ] public ActionResult Index (string Name ) {         V iewBag . Message = "Hi, welcome to Nihar's Blog !! " ;    //Like Server.Transfer() in Asp.Net WebForm           return View ( "MyIndex" ); }...

Swap the values of two columns in SQL Server

  Do you have fun with SQL Server?. Suppose you want to swap the values of two columns of a table in SQL Server, how could you achieve this tricky task?. Actually, it is simple and so funny.   Suppose you have a Persons table in the database with the following data and you want to interchange the values of columns Name and Address then how do you do? Query :  Before swapping : select * from [testdb1] . [dbo] . [persons] P_Id        LastName             FirstName            Addr          City 1               Kulkarni                 Nihar                   ...

Column concatenation in SQL Server

Hi friends , Last week , I was facing one problem regarding column summary report. For that purpose , we tried joins,unions etc . But we tried one query , which seems to be subquery  but some professional defined as pointer in sql server. Post description as follows, We need report of Students which include , Studentid,StudentName,Studentaddree,UnitTest1marks ,Absent hrs Query : select studId,studName,Studaddre,Sum(TEstMarks) , ab.absentHrs -- SUM(convert(float,a.[absent])) as absentHrs From  StudPerformance . dbo . Card_Data a inner Join Stud Performance . dbo . Rate_mast b On a .stud _cd = b .stud _no And a. mach_cd = b . machine_cd and a . proc_cd = b . process_cd Join (Select a.stud_no,     Sum(Convert(float,a.[absent])) / 60 As absentHrs   From StudPerformance.dbo.Job_Card_Data a   Where a.entry_date Between @p_from_date And   @p_to_date And     a.entry_date = a.entry_date And a.class_group = 'FirstStd...

Summarizing of column values in SQL Server

Hi friends , here I am wondering about sql server by reading " ROLLUP " concept in SQL Server. Consider the scenario which gives you  sum of columns within query , Is it possible  ? Before reading it , I used different methods for summation of columns but Its tooo good to read it that , we will get sum in practicle way within query itself. Highlighted row will be sum of RegId and Amount column. Query as : SELECT O_Id , Sum ( [OrderNo] ) as RegId, SUM ( [p_id] )   as TotalAmount AS Amount FROM [testdb1] . [dbo] . [Orders] GROUP BY O_Id WITH Rollup Order_Id  RegId TotalAmount   1              21          2   2              2324      1   3            ...

CTE ( Common Table expression ) in SQL Server

Its very new concept for me, heard from Mr.Vinayak Sir. Thanks to them. CTE (Common Table Expression ) is nothing but return same result as SELECT query will do with the help of JOINS,UNION etc. It allows you to define the subquery at once, name it using an alias and later call the same data using the alias just like what you do with a normal table. Take a look at following difference between plain query with join and CTE query Plain SQL query : Its plain query. CTE query : Using CTE syntax/format , we define query as follows, Syntax : With [table_aliesname] ( userDefinedColumn1,userDefinedColumn2,userdefinedcolumnN ) As ( [Plain SQL select query.] ) -- If you want to join more table only need to give ',' comma for closing round bracket and continue as same as T2 table in Examle  Regards,  Nihar Kulkarni  :) :)